More Information About Property Tax And School Finance Reform In Texas

More details are coming out about reforming property taxes and school finance that is headed to the governor.

According to information provided by representative John Raney of Bryan, property tax rates set by school districts are supposed to drop by eight cents next year and 13 cents in 2021.

Additionally, when taxing units exceed voter approved tax rates, voters will make the final decision.

The College Station school district and others that have been giving local property tax money back to the state to give to poorer districts won’t be sending as much back to Austin. That amount has not been determined.

The state will increase basic funding per student, pay for all day pre kindergarten for students from low income families, and increase state funding for busing students and building and equipping new facilities.

The state is adding two billion dollars in pay raises for teachers, counselors, librarians, and nurses.

An undisclosed amount of money is being added to raise minimum base pay for teachers.

An undisclosed amount of money is going into a new merit/incentive teacher pay program.

Image provided by state representative John Raney of Bryan.
Image provided by state representative John Raney of Bryan.

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