More Art Coming To The Atrium Of The Brazos County Administration Building

Next month, the next mural in Brazos County’s “Art For Life” series will be on display in the atrium of the administration building.

Nine teenagers in the Brazos County juvenile justice system, working by Bryan art studio owner Le Hale, developed their interpretation of this year’s theme, which is justice.

The mural also adds the phrase “Liberty and Justice for All”.

The design approved at the last county commissioners court meeting is being turned into a six by nine foot mural.

Hale was joined at the commission meeting by Arts Council of the Brazos Valley CEO Chris Dyer, who thanked by the county governing body for his work as he departs soon for a new position in Waco.

Click below for comments from Chris Dyer and Le Hale from the July 3, 2018 Brazos County commissioners court meeting.


Photo of the rendering of the 2018 “Art For Life” mural.

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