Meningitis Vaccine Required for New College Students

New legislation has passed requiring incoming freshmen or students transferring to a new institution in Texas to get a meningitis vaccination.

Students already enrolled and attending classes at their current schools are exempt from the new law, but Brandon Webb, who works at Blinn College in Bryan, said those students still need to be aware of the law.

He said many Texas A&M students decide to take one or two Blinn classes during their college careers. If they have never taken a class at Blinn before, they are considered a new student and must show proof of the vaccination before they can come to campus.

Webb also said the new school must receive proof of the vaccination 10 days prior to the student starting classes. He said they have deadline dates and information on the policy posted on their website

Students who are only taking online classes from a new institution are also exempt from the law. But Webb said if any portion of the class meets on campus, they must receive the vaccination.

WTAW’s Chelsea Reber visits with Blinn College spokesman Brandon Webb.

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