Memorial Program Taking Place On The 100th Anniversary Of The Murder Of A Brazos County Sheriff

Screen shot from a Brazos County document.
Screen shot from a Brazos County document.

One hundred years ago this Friday (March 29), Brazos County’s sheriff was shot to death by a man who confessed to the murder and was later found to be insane and sentenced to a mental facility.

The death of Leonard Morehead will be remembered in a memorial program Friday at 10 a.m. at the Bryan city cemetery.

At Tuesday’s (March 26) county commission meeting, current sheriff Wayne Dicky thanked commissioners for issuing a proclamation.

Dicky also thanked his wife for her research about what happened on March 29, 1924.

The sheriff also said “We frequently pray for our first responders and talk about the dangers they face. This (Morehead’s murder) is a tragic reminder of how dangerous the job is.”

The proclamation says Morehead was attending a traveling road show at the Steep Hollow school house when he was shot from outside the building.

It was reported around 4,000 people paid their respects.

Morehead’s wife was appointed sheriff, and Lila Belle Morehead remains the only female sheriff in Brazos County’s history.

Click HERE to read and download the proclamation that was approved at the March 26, 2024 Brazos County commission meeting.

Click below to hear comments from Wayne Dicky at the March 26, 2024 Brazos County commission meeting.


Screen shot from a Brazos County document.
Screen shot from a Brazos County document.

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