Madison County Man Who Admitted To Burglary Of A Bryan Home In 2016 Is Sentenced To Prison

Photo of the Brazos County courthouse taken May 3, 2022.
Photo of the Brazos County courthouse taken May 3, 2022.

Photo of Robert Strickland from
Photo of Robert Strickland from
A Madison County man who admitted to the burglary of a Bryan home six years ago has violated terms of his plea agreement for the second time.

That led a Brazos County judge to sending 33 year old Robert Strickland to prison to serve a three year sentence.

In February 2018, Strickland was given ten years probation for the October 2016 burglary.

Court documents from the second probation violation state among other things that Strickland failed to stay away from one of two other people who participated in the burglary.

He was also caught using methamphetamine and marijuana.

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