Local Non-Profit Travels to El Salvador to Help Orphans

Courtesy of SHIP

When Shelter the Homeless International Projects (SHIP) started in 2004, they planned to build one new orphanage.

But Ann Horton said after the orphanage was complete, they realized there was a whole neighborhood that still needed their support.

Courtesy of SHIP
Courtesy of shipinternational.org

“The kids in our neighborhood were going to public schools. They just weren’t being challenged and schools were dangerous. For a number of reasons, we realized they really needed to start going to something that was more challenging and where they could learn in a safe environment,” said Horton.

Horton said they started a program, sponsorSHIP, that allows individuals to select a child in the neighborhood and provide monthly financial support, which goes towards their education.

Horton said through donations, SHIP now sends 26 children to private Christian school and three are attending college on scholarships.

Horton said SHIP has several mission trips planned over the next few months to El Salvador to rebuild homes, lead Bible studies and work with Bible school. These trips also allow sponsorSHIP participants to meet the child they support.

If you’re interested in going on a SHIP trip, there is an informational meeting Sunday, January 31st at 2:30 p.m. at Central Baptist Church in Bryan.

Or click here for more information on SHIP.

Click below to hear comments from Ann Horton visiting with WTAW’s Chelsea Reber.


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