The Brazos Valley Lodging Association is hosting a training this week to teach employees how to recognize and report human trafficking.
Executive Director Peggy Calliham says their industry is more likely than others to come in contact with sex traffickers.
“We just want our hotels to be alert, to have knowledge of what to look for and how and to whom to report it,” said Calliham.
The training, which is presented by the Texas Hotel Lodging Association, will also equip hotel employees with best practices to prevent trafficking and increase hotel safety.
“It’s nothing more than we are hearing from law enforcement, if you see something, say something,” said Calliham.
Calliham estimates about 60 people will participate in this week’s training.
Listen to “BVLA’s Peggy Calliham discusses training in sex trafficking prevention” on Spreaker.
News release from BVLA:
The Brazos Valley Lodging Association (BVLA) will host training presented by the Texas Hotel/Lodging Association (THLA) on Thursday, October 17 at the Courtyard Marriott Hotel in College Station from 11:30 to 1:30 pm. This training is specific to this industry and not to for public access.
The hotel and lodging industry is one of several to most likely come in contact with sex traffickers. It is important to train our local hoteliers and their employees to watch, recognize and report this to the proper authorities.
Only recently in Kingwood, Texas a ring of 79 sex traffickers were arrested and Brazos County is not immune to this type of crime.
The THLA has developed a certification course in cooperation with law enforcement professionals and will bring those lessons to the Brazos Valley.
BEST (Businesses Ending Slavery & Trafficking) developed the course and Carolyn McCall- Squires is the certified trainer for the Texas Hotel & Lodging Association.
Participants will learn:
• The truth of trafficking and laws along with concrete steps on how frontline staff can personally make a difference in the lives of children and adults who are exploited every day;
• Will be equipped with best practices to identify and report suspected trafficking incidents, prevent trafficking, and increase hotel safety
• How to protect your hotel from legal risks, security risks, and reputational risks.
Additionally participants will:
• Understand sex trafficking and labor trafficking and their impact on the hotel industry
• Learn to recognize indicators of human trafficking
• Learn how to respond to and prevent human trafficking
• Receive a certificate of completion.
For more specific detail on this training you may contact:
Carolyn McCall-Squires, Director of Membership, Texas Hotel & Lodging Association,
1701 West Avenue. Austin, TX 78701
Phone: 512.474.2996 │ Mobile: 512.436.3777 │ Fax: 512.480.0773
Email: │ Website: