Landowners Want To Know If Texas Central Has Officially Stopped Its Pursuit Of Its High Speed Passenger Train Between Houston And Dallas

Photo taken of Texas Central billboard along Highway 30 in Grimes County, December 21, 2018.
Photo taken of Texas Central billboard along Highway 30 in Grimes County, December 21, 2018.

Those in charge of the proposed high speed passenger train between Houston and Dallas said in 2013 that service could have started in 2020.

Now, some of the landowners along the route are threatening to go to court in order to find out if the Texas Central project will ever be built.

Lawyers representing 93 landowners in nine counties sent a letter to Texas Central lawyers.

Click HERE to read and download the letter from the Texans Against High Speed Rail Facebook page.

The letter, posted on the Texans Against High Speed Rail Facebook page, cites multiple examples that the $30 billion dollar project is dead.

The lawyers state that the Dallas office address listed on Texas Central’s website is the Dallas police department. The address at their Houston office is currently listed for lease.

The landowners lawyers also state that they have at least three credible sources who have confirmed that Texas Central’s Japanese partners will no longer fund construction.

Additionally, no one is answering the phones at Texas Central’s main office and disconnecting a hotline formerly reserved for landowner inquiries.

The letter lists 20 questions of Texas Central’s lawyers, seeking answers either voluntarily or through a court deposition.

The lawyers for the landowners say their clients are being held hostage. And they “will not let Texas Central sit back, stay silent, and do nothing”.

As of October 6, the last post on Texas Central’s Facebook page was March 24.

The last blog update from Texas Central’s website was September 21, 2020.

The last news release from the Texas Central website was July 8, 2022.

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