Injured Bryan firemen Ricky Mantey and Mitch Moran may be coming home Friday from the Galveston burn center.
Technically, both have been out of the burn center for quite some time…Mantey on March 27 and Moran on April 17. Both have stayed in Galveston to continue their recovery.
City Manager Kean Register provided the update at Tuesday night’s city council meeting.
Register says “we’re keeping our fingers crossed…it’s not set in stone yet, but if we’re real lucky they will”.
Register says staff will be in contact with the media “to show these guys how much we appreciate what they’ve done for the city when they come back.”
Councilmembers also asked to be notified when Mantey and Moran return.
The firefighters have been in Galveston since sustaining critical burns from the February 15 Knights of Columbus Hall fire.
Update given by Kean Register.