Houston Man Arrested In Bryan For Aggravated Assault With A Machete


A Houston man who was arrested in Bryan for aggravated assault with a deadly weapon tells WTAW News the victim’s statement to police that he was attacked “is completely false”.

Gia Vu told WTAW News he did no harm to the man.

Vu said the reason he had a machete was because when he returned to his apartment to pick up a key, he saw a man he did not know go into the apartment knowing his wife was still inside.

Quoting Vu’s e-mail, he stated:

“I immediately grabbed the machete in the car and came in right after him and found him hidden in the closet. I ordered him to get out of my house so he grabbed my machete and pushed me to the bed where we both felt (sic). Then he said he’ll go so he let go the machete and left and i (sic) did not chase or do any harm to him. The reason why he got a small cut is because he grabbed my hands.”

Original story:

Bryan police responded to a call from the Block 12 apartments on College Main Monday night around 8:30.

Photo of Gia Vu from https://jailsearch.brazoscountytx.gov/JailSearch/default.aspx
Photo of Gia Vu from https://jailsearch.brazoscountytx.gov/JailSearch/default.aspx

According to the report, the victim said he was with his girlfriend at her apartment when her husband came in and attacked him with a machete. The victim says his girlfriend’s husband found out about their relationship on Friday.

He arrived at her apartment Monday night as her husband, 38 year-old Gia Vu of Houston, was leaving the parking lot.

When the victim got into the apartment, his girlfriend noticed her husband returning and told him to hide in the closet. When she opened the door, Vu was holding the machete in its scabbard and told her he knew he would catch the boyfriend there.

When Vu confronted him hiding in the closet, the victim grabbed the machete, cutting his hand, and wrestled with Vu, falling onto the bed.

Vu then told him to get out and he left the apartment, got into his vehicle and called police.

The girlfriend’s story matched the victim’s and Vu was arrested for aggravated assault with a deadly weapon.

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