Governor Issues Statement After House Panel Delays Wallace Hall Impeachment Vote

AUSTIN, Texas (AP) _ The chairmen of the Texas House panel considering impeachment charges against a University of Texas System regent say they won’t vote for several more weeks.

The Select Committee on Transparency in State Agency Operations met Wednesday to begin drafting impeachment charges against Wallace Hall. Panel leaders said they won’t vote before their July 7th meeting.

The panel has already agreed that grounds to impeach Hall exist and now must draft formal charges. If approved by the full House, they would be sent to the Senate for a trial that could ultimately remove Hall from office.

Hall has been accused of abusing the powers of his office and possibly breaking student privacy laws in his efforts to oust Austin campus President Bill Powers.

Hall denies any wrongdoing or breaking the law.


Governor Perry issued the following statement regarding Wallace Hall:

“Wallace Hall should be commended for his persistence – in the face of overwhelming opposition from bureaucrats – in trying to ensure the institutions of higher education under his purview are operating effectively, efficiently and within the law. Hall is doing exactly what every regent and every appointee in the State of Texas should be doing: asking tough questions, gathering facts and searching for the truth. Even the chairman of the Board of Regents has said Hall did not commit an impeachable offense or a crime. Texans should be outraged by his treatment, and deeply concerned it will have a chilling effect on those who are tasked with the oversight of state agencies and institutions that they are responsible for.”

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