Get to the Grid Move to Veterans Park Opposed by Local Soccer Groups

Local soccer parents are upset about the new location for Texas A&M Football’s “Get to the Grid” park-and-ride program.

According to a letter from the Brazos Valley Youth Soccer Association (BVYSA), Veterans Park & Athletic Complex will be unavailable for the program’s use on a number of Saturday’s this fall so the lots can be used as a parking facility for game day traffic.

College Station City Manager Kelly Templin has responded by saying the use of Veterans Park as a park-and-ride option is not only a reasonable option, but a responsible solution.

The BVYSA replied to Templin’s statement with a news release Wednesday afternoon detailing problems with moving games away from Veterans Park and refuting the city manager’s statement that they have historically not used Veterans Park on days that A&M has home football games.

Brazos Valley Youth Soccer Association letter:



Reply from College Station City Manager Kelly Templin:

How the City of College Station and Brazos Valley Youth Soccer continue to work together

When Post Oak Mall informed Texas A&M University in late 2014 that it would no longer continue offering its parking lot as a park-and-ride option for thousands of local and visiting college football fans, it created a very serious problem — one that had to be addressed to preserve the safety and mobility of everyone within our city limits during a game day.

Because this serious transportation and traffic congestion problem would directly impact our community, the City of College Station had an obligation to engage A&M to see if College Station could be part of a solution. In fact, it would’ve been irresponsible for us to have not discussed our nearby destination, regional facility — Veterans Park & Athletic Complex — with hundreds of parking spaces located very close to the main highway running through our community. Because the population of College Station increases significantly in size during Texas A&M home football games, the use of Veterans Park as a park-and-ride option is not only a reasonable option, but a responsible solution in terms of safety and mobility — especially when it means keeping illegally parked vehicles out of our neighborhoods.

However, this solution did not come about without considerable dialogue with concerned representatives of the Brazos Valley Youth Soccer Association — a private organization that uses fields at Veterans Park & Athletic Complex and other city parks for practice and games. College Station city staff has met at least nine times with association representatives to understand the potential impacts that could occur to organizers, parents and players during the four to seven Saturdays of the year which are in question. While compromises were reached, discussions must continue in order ensure we have achieved the very best alternate schedules and facility accommodations.

Worth noting: Based on productive meetings with Brazos Valley Youth Soccer representatives, there is expanded availability of VPAC fields for their soccer season:

• In spite of historic non-use of these fields during A&M home football game days, the City of College Station added more weeks for soccer season from Sept. 26-Nov. 14 to Sept. 5-Nov. 22

• Available Saturdays at VPAC and other parks for field and facility rentals:
o Sept. 5, Sept. 26, Oct. 10, Oct. 24 and Nov. 21

• Possible Saturday availabilities at VPAC for field and facility rentals:
o Sept. 12, Sept. 19 and Nov. 14 (Non-SEC home games)

• Unavailable Saturdays at VPAC for field and facility rentals:
o Oct. 3, Oct. 17, Oct. 31 and Nov. 7 (SEC home games)

• Any Saturday when VPAC is unavailable, the fields at Bachmann, Central, Sandstone and Anderson parks are available, as they always have been, for Brazos Valley Youth Soccer.

• VPAC offers 1,600-1,700 parking spaces, none of which is on a practice or playing field.

• The recently discussed expansion of VPAC — additional fields and amenities — would be financed by Hotel Occupancy Tax funds, which are legally restricted for tourism-generating projects. This expansion will not appear as part of a bond proposal on a November ballot.

Unfortunately, a vast amount of misinformation has circulated quickly throughout the community regarding this issue. In the end, College Station’s interests remain unwavering: To ensure the safety, mobility and well-being of our residents and visitors on the busiest of days, and to continue our longstanding, positive relationship with our many youth athletic association partners. To do less would be unacceptable.


Kelly E. Templin
City Manager

Wednesday afternoon news release from the Brazos Valley Youth Soccer Association:

We want to thank the City of College Station for their response to our letter. We would especially like to thank the numerous supporters that have emailed, texted, facebook posted, tweeted and called their city mayor, council members, city manager and other key individuals.

We continue to desire a workable solution for all parties. It is incumbent upon us as a board to address some misinformation.

First, the statement that “in spite of historic non-use of these fields during A&M home football game days…” is incorrect. Our fall season usually runs from mid-September to mid-November.

Dating back many years, BVYSA has historically played soccer games on A&M home football game days. As just an example, in 2014 we played games on days when TAMU played Ole Miss, ULM, and Missouri at Kyle Field. The CSSC End of Season Tournament was played during the Missouri home football game. In 2013 we played games when TAMU played Auburn, Vanderbilt, and Mississippi State at Kyle Field.

The second statement, “any Saturday when VPAC is unavailable, the fields at Bachmann, Central, Sandstone and Anderson parks are available, as they always have been, for Brazos Valley Youth Soccer” is problematic. Anderson Park is in very close proximity to TAMU and Kyle Field and the parking lot is very small. If we were to play games there we would have people parking up and down Anderson and Holleman on an Aggie game day. Sandstone Park has a very small parking lot as well. If we were to use Sandstone parents would be parking along Sebesta and disrupting the traffic flow in and out of the adjacent neighborhoods. The parks which are offered are not game ready or as safe as Veterans which was designed for game purposes and each neighborhood park has its own parking problems which will be a burden to the neighborhoods and a safety issue as families will have to park along the city streets.

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