George H.W. Bush Presidential Library & Museum Upcoming Events Includes An ADA Film And Panel Discussion

Image from the George H.W. Bush presidential library and museum.
Image from the George H.W. Bush presidential library and museum.

Amy Raines of the George H.W. Bush presidential library and museum visits with WTAW’s Scott DeLucia about upcoming events.

That includes on March 18, a film and panel discussion on the 35th anniversary of President Bush signing the Americans With Disabilities (ADA) act. There is no admission charge, but a RSVP is required by going to the library and museum’s website.

Raines also promotes the annual Easter celebration on April 12 and she previews the annual summer film series.

Click HERE for more information about the upcoming events and to register to see the ADA film and panel discussion.

Click below to hear Amy Raines visit with Scott DeLucia.

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