Former A&M Asst. Kragthorpe has Parkinson’s

Steve Kragthorpe

For the second time in three years, former Texas A&M offensive coordinator Steve Kragthorpe has to leave a position because of health reasons, this time his own health. Kragthorpe was hired this past off-season by LSU as their offensive coordinator but now has shifted to quarterbacks coach after revealing that’s he’s been diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease.

Kragthorpe was A&M offensive coordinator under RC Slocum for four years before becoming head coach at Tulsa and Louisville. In the Spring of 2010, he was hired by Mike Sherman to coach the Aggie receivers  but had to resign before the season started after his wife was diagnosed with Mutiple Sclerosis. After taking last year off, he accepted the offer from Les Miles to return to coaching.


Kragthorpe said  “This is obviously a bit of a blow to myself, but by the same token we’re a family of great faith and will be exactly where God wants us, and that is at LSU,” Kragthorpe said. “I am very excited to coach the quarterbacks. … I hope for the next 10, 12 or 14 years that I can be here at LSU coaching the quarterbacks. It is a place that I love. I love the team, the staff and working for Les.”

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