Environmentalists Challenge Central Texas Power Plant

WACO, Texas (AP) _ An environmental group has filed a federal lawsuit claiming a Texas coal-fired power plant violates the Clean Air Act.

The suit filed Tuesday in Waco federal court claims Luminant’s Big Brown coal-fired plant exposes the public to harmful air pollution.

The suit says the company’s own data shows the power plant near Fairfield violated its particulate matter limits at least 370 times in the past 3 1-2 years. Asthma and other respiratory ailments are associated with particulate matter, commonly known as dirt and soot.

Luminant spokeswoman Ashley Barrie says the company stands by its record of meeting or exceeding all environmental laws. Luminant is reviewing the suit.

The Environmental Integrity Project filed the lawsuit on behalf of the Sierra Club against Energy Future Holdings Corp. and its subsidiary, Dallas-based Luminant.

(Copyright 2012 by The Associated Press.  All Rights Reserved.)

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