Enron Exec Resentencing Set for July

HOUSTON (AP) _ A federal judge has set former Enron Chief Executive Jeff Skilling’s resentencing hearing for July 30 and created rules for victims of the Enron scandal to voice their opinions before the sentencing.

U.S. District Judge Sim Lake set a May 29 deadline for Enron victims to state in writing if they want to be heard in court that day and to accept written comments from victims who do not wish to speak in court.

The Houston Chronicle reports Lake also ordered the government to take out newspaper ads to explain this to victims.

Skilling, who is serving a 24-year term at a prison in suburban Denver, was tried in 2006.

The 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled in January that a resentencing hearing should be held because it said Lake improperly applied a sentencing guideline that resulted in a longer prison term.

Skilling was convicted of conspiracy, securities fraud, insider trading and lying to auditors involving the collapse of Enron, once the nation’s seventh-largest company.

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