DWI Arrest In Northgate Was The Day After A Rockdale Man Admitted To His Second DWI

Photo of Carlos Arvizu from jailsearch.brazoscountytx.gov/JailSearch/default.aspx

A Brazos County judge has changed their mind about giving a Rockdale man probation for a second drunk driving conviction.

That’s after 28 year old Carlos Arvizu was arrested for another DWI the day after he was sentenced.

According to online court records, Arvizu was ordered to serve the remainder of a one year sentence in the Brazos County jail.

Arvizu, who pleaded guilty to the misdemeanor, was given two years probation and his fine was reduced from $4,000 to $1,000 dollars.

The second DWI conviction followed his arrest in April of last year following a crash in College Station. His alcohol level measured .230, which is almost three times the legal limit.

Arvizu’s latest arrest, in the Northgate district’s promenade parking lot, came after his breath alcohol level measured around twice the legal limit at .156 and .163.

According to the arrest report, a College Station officer saw Arvizu and his friend stagger arm in arm towards their car, then fall into the side of the vehicle.

The friend asked the officer if she was too intoxicated to drive and the officer said she was.

13 minutes later, the officer wrote in his report he was surprised to see Arvizu behind the wheel of the car.

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