Different Decisions On Pay Raises By Local School Boards As A Brazos Valley Lawmaker Calls To Add Teacher Retirement Benefits To The Special Session


Governor Abbott early Thursday morning added to his list of special session topics:

Legislation to increase the average salary and benefits (including TRS-Care) of Texas teachers; and legislation to provide a more flexible and rewarding salary and benefit system for Texas teachers.

Legislation establishing a statewide commission to study and recommend improvements to the current public school finance system; and other legislation relating to school finance, including Additional State Aid for Tax Reduction (ASATR).

Click HERE to read and download the Governor’s entire notice to the legislature of additional special session items.

Screen shot from https://gov.texas.gov/uploads/files/press/AddingAdditionalItemsToCall_01202017.pdf


Original story:

The Bryan school board has not decided on all pay raises for next year. Action was postponed on what teachers and other professionals receive. The board sided with the recommendation of deputy superintendent Tim Rocka to wait until what state lawmakers decide during the special session. Paraprofessionals and auxiliary employees in Bryan ISD wlll receive a three percent raise next year.

The College Station school board Tuesday night approved a pay plan affecting all employees. Superintendent Clark Ealy says that includes market adjustments following the district’s first detailed pay study in at least ten years. The board also extended Doctor Ealy’s contract one year, through 2020, with a pay increase next year of one and a half percent…which is what most CSISD employees are getting.

Click HERE to read and download background information about CSISD’s 2017-18 pay plan.

Click HERE to read and download background information about pay adjustments for some CSISD positions.

And a Brazos Valley lawmaker wants the governor to add to his list of special session topics, increasing health insurance benefits for retired teachers…particularly retirees under the age of 65. State representative Trent Ashby, whose district includes Madison and Leon counties, calls for supporters to contact the governor and lieutenant governor.

Click below for comments from Trent Ashby, Tim Rocka, and Clark Ealy.


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