Decision Postponed To Record Bryan Councilmen At Community Meetings

The Bryan city council Tuesday night postponed a vote on a request to record all community meetings where councilmembers participate.

The proposal from Ben Hardeman and Buppy Simank would have city staff record and produce minutes any time and any where a council member attends and/or addresses any issues that may come before the governing body.

Staff would be going to neighborhood association and other community meetings where a councilmember participates, along with town halls hosted by councilmen Rafael Pena, Al Saenz, and Mike Southerland.

The staff member would be responsible for drafting a summary of what was said and identify any significant comments or discussions that may require follow up communication.

Hardeman said his intent is to be transparent but not retaliatory.

Voting for a delay to the council’s second meeting in May were Simank, Al Saenz, Rafael Pena, Greg Owens, and Mike Southerland. Hardeman and Jason Bienski voted no.

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