Those interested in the future boundaries of College Station schools will have two opportunities to share their opinions with the school board.
After the forums on April 6 and 12, the board will meet on April 19 to name who will be on the boundary adjustment committee and set the parameters the committee can consider.
The board will also decide on the 19th whether boundaries will change for only fifth through eighth grades, or expand it through high school.
The boundary changes are to accommodate CSISD’s third intermediate school, which opens in the fall of 2017, and the opening of a third middle school and the district’s tenth elementary school in the fall of 2018.
Board vice president Jeff Harris was among those wondering when the population at College Station High School would reach its capacity and the cost of a phase two addition. That was among five questions Harris asked administrators to answer before the April 19 meeting.
Click below for comments made by Jeff Harris at the CSISD school board workshop:
The April 6 forum starts at 6:30 p.m. at the CSISD Transportation Center. The gathering on April 12 is at noon in the CSISD Boardroom.
The committee’s attendance boundary recommendations are projected to be considered by the school board August 31, following by a final vote on September 20.