CS School Board Plans For Redrawing Campus Boundaries

Business at February’s College Station ISD school board meeting included setting the process for redrawing campus boundaries.

Regarding elementary schools, where the River Bend campus will open in the fall of 2019, the board agreed with the timeline proposed by superintendent Clark Ealy. The boundary adjustment work for the elementary schools will be done in the fall of 2018, after the opening of a new K-8 charter school.


Regarding high schools, the CSISD board voted to change boundaries to reduce the population at College Station High School, which is over 110 percent of capacity, by increasing the population at Consolidated, which is under 85 percent of capacity. The board’s decision is expected by the end of this school year, but it would not be implemented until the fall of 2019. The board also agreed with grandfathering suggestions made by the superintendent.


The board also agreed to give Dr. Ealy permission to what the superintendent described as “gentle tweaks”, if necessary, to adjust boundaries of CSISD’s intermediate and middle school campuses to balance student populations and socio-economic status.



Discussion by the College Station ISD school board, February 20, 2018.

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