CS Planning & Zoning Commission Addresses Two Neighborhood Requests

Two of College Station’s oldest residential neighborhoods were part of Thursday night’s Planning and Zoning Commission meeting.

P&Z chairman Mike Ashfield opened the meeting by announcing developers pulled their request to turn two single family homesites into up to 48 four-bedroom condos and commercial businesses. City staff joined neighborhood homeowners opposed to the plan along the south side of Lincoln between Tarrow and Ashburn.

Most of the meeting was considering new restrictions in the South Knoll residential neighborhood.

After a public hearing with 26 speakers lasting more than two and a half hours, the commission voted 5-0 to recommend about 60 changes in land use regulations.

Of most discussion were reducing the maximum number of unrelated residents per home from 4 to 2 and parking restrictions including no parking on one or both sides of streets and/or parking bans from 2 a.m. until 6 a.m.

Speakers for and against the proposal also called for more city enforcement, which is also recommended in the plan that goes to the city council August 22.





Click HERE to read background information about the South Knoll Neighborhood Plan presented to the Planning & Zoning Commission.

Click HERE to be directed to the South Knoll Neighborhood Plan website.

Map of South Knoll neighborhood courtesy of City of College Station.
Map of South Knoll neighborhood courtesy of City of College Station.


Courtesy of City of College Station, map of proposed zoning change at Lincoln & Ashburn that was withdrawn by the applicant.


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