A young man in College Station has teamed up with Habitat for Humanity to conduct his Eagle Scout project Saturday.
Click to hear WTAW’s Chris Clift talk with John Mayo:
Press release from Mayo:
Local Boy Scout John Mayo from Troop 802 is hosting a computer collection drive on Saturday, July 11th from 8:00 A.M. until Noon. This Eagle Scout project will
benefit families in Habitat for Humanity homes. Donated computers collected will be refurbished, including a thorough reformatting of the hard drives, and then donated to
Bryan/College Station Habitat for Humanity for distribution.
A drive-through collection station will be set up at A&MConsolidated High School, 1801 Harvey Mitchell Pkwy S., College Station, where scouts will be helping collect and sort out the
computers. The collection will be held in the staff parking lot on Nueces Drive.
For more information, contact John Mayo at 979-693-5818 or jpmayo91@yahoo.com.