CS Council Receives Proposed FY 2014 Budget

Next year’s proposed College Station city budget calls for the lowest property tax rate in 21 years.

The effective tax rate for fiscal year (FY) 2014 would be 42.5958 cents, compared to 43.06887 in FY 2013.

The budget also calls for no increases in residential utility rates. And the only commercial rate increase is proposed for sanitation, which would be the first in eight years.

City employees would receive a three percent pay raise. That’s projected to cost $1.1 million dollars.

The FY 2014 budget calls for eliminating one part-time position. That’s after more than 50 positions were cut from FY 2009 to FY 2013.

10.5 full time equivalent personnel additions proposed for FY 2014 includes 4 in the Police Department (1 Sergeant, 1 School Resource Officer (costs shared with CSISD), 1 Crime Scene Technician and 1 Detention Officer), a Supervisor in the Fire Department, a Facility Maintenance Technician in Public Works, a Technology Services Specialist in IT, an additional Assistant Director in the Electric Fund, a Regulatory Compliance Coordinator in the Water Fund, a Human Resources Specialist in the Benefits Fund and the upgrade of a part-time Meter Services Field Representative position to full-time in the Utility Customer Service Fund.

Budget workshops were scheduled for August 19, 20, and 21 (if needed). A public hearing was set for August 22 and final action is scheduled for September 12.

Following Thursday night’s budget presentation, specific questions were deferred due to the absences of Mayor Nancy Berry and council members Blanche Brick and James Benham.

Chief Financial Officer Jeff Kersten answered a question about developing this year’s budget as the council looks for a new city manager and a deputy manager.

Click below to hear the question from councilwoman Julie Schultz and Kersten’s response.


Click HERE to read the proposed budget from the city website.

Below is the budget presentation provided to the city council.

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