CS Council Proceeds With Skate Park

The College Station City Council has taken the next step towards building a skateboard park.

Over $180,000 has been spent to design the facility to be located in the Southwood Athletic Complex.

Capital Projects Manager Chuck Gilman expects the winning bid to be under the $736,000 remaining in the budget.

City Attorney Harvey Cargill said there’s a special state law covering skateboard park liability.

Parks and Recreation Director Tony Cisneros said still to be decided is a name for the skateboard park.

Mayor Nancy Berry, whose backyard included a half-pipe layout for her skateboarding son, says this will be a tourist attraction.

City staff will start receiving bids next month.

Click below to hear a recap from WTAW’s Bill Oliver, which includes comments from Nancy Berry, Chuck Gilman, Harvey Cargill, and Tony Cisneros.

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