CS Council Hears Brazos Valley Arts Council Fundraising Update

The bottom line is looking up for the Brazos Valley Arts Council. Director Chris Dyer was questioned at length during the last College Station City Council meeting.

The council approved $300,500 in the fiscal year that began October first. Dyer was asked if the Arts Council could become self-sustaining.

Chris Dyer answers question whether Arts Council can become self-sustaining.

Mayor Nancy Berry says two members of the Arts Council board told her it was also their goal to stop asking for city funds.

Comments from Mayor Nancy Berry.

Dyer also says their number one priority is fundraising…and they expect to generate more than what they receive from the city.

Chris Dyer comments on the Arts Council generating more money than it receives from College Station.

$200,000 of city funding comes from hotel occupancy tax money. Dyer told councilwoman Julie Schultz event organizers who receive HOT funds have recordkeeping requirements.

Councilwoman Julie Schultz and Chris Dyer visit about reporting requirements for event organizers receiving hotel occupancy tax money.

After approving the fiscal year 2012 budget in September, the College Station council approved funding agreements with the Arts Council last week.



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