CS Council Considers Park Fees

The College Station City Council is in the early stages of considering changes to the fees charged to use City parks.

Click to hear WTAW’s Chris Clift talk with Council member Katy Marie Lyles:

Image courtesy www.cstx.gov

Council is considering a number of scenarios when it comes to fees related to use of the parks.

One situation deals with for-profit ventures such as fitness boot camps, tennis lessons, etc., using the public facilities without paying a fee.

The other part of the equation has to do with whether non-residents using fields for sporting events such as soccer and softball should pay a higher fee than what is currently paid by those living in College Station.

Because Council looked at this issue as part of a Monday afternoon workshop meeting there was no public comment, but Lyles says there will be numerous opportunities for feedback before Council would vote to take any final action.

After the Monday presentation by the Parks and Recreation Department there are still plenty of questions on the table.

At this point Lyles says Council was not informed what the “boot camp” or other private lesson fees might look like, or how such a concept would be enforced.

In terms of team sports using COCS fields the idea of paying a fee to the umpire or referee at game time was discussed.

Nothing was made final as a part of the Monday workshop.

Council directed City staff to look into what other communities do in regard to similar questions and put together more information.

Lyles says while a vote is possible in 2009, she thinks it is probably more likely that this issue is not resolved until early 2010.

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