Cool “Cat” Named Grand Marshall of 85th BCS Christmas Parade

Marvin Small, the B/CS Christmas Parade "Cat In The Hat".
Marvin Small, the B/CS Christmas Parade "Cat In The Hat".

Organizers of the 85th annual Bryan/College Station Christmas Parade have announced a longtime participant as this year’s Grand Marshall.

Marvin Small of College Station has been the parade’s Cat In The Hat for the past 11 years.  He will trade his bicycle for a convertible this year.  Parade chairwoman Penny Zent says Small will be leading the parade wearing his traditional Cat In The Hat suit.

Zent also said, “The Cat is a kid’s favorite every year.  When we heard he wasn’t able to enter this year (due to health issues), we decided we would put him up front.  We don’t have a Grand Marshall every year, but it just wouldn’t be the Christmas Parade without The Cat In The Hat.”

In addition to the Grand Marshall announcement, the Parade Committee wants to remind everyone that the deadline for entry is about a week away.  Friday, November 18th at 5:00 p.m. is the deadline to enter.  Participants can enter on-line at or by bringing the completed forms to the Crystal Park Plaza in College Station.

The 85th Annual BCS Christmas Parade begins at exactly 2:00 p.m. on Sunday, December 4th.  The route begins at Polo Road and proceeds East on University Drive and turns north on Texas Avenue before disbanding near the Tejas Center.

Penny Zent visits with WTAW’s Bill Oliver.


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