College Station’s Mayor Asks Brazos County For More Money To Widen Greens Prairie Road

Screen shot from a city of College Station document.
Screen shot from a city of College Station document.

September marks two years since the College Station city council accepted $4.2 million dollars from Brazos County for the city to administer the widening of Greens Prairie Road that remains in the county.

Click HERE to read and download presentation materials from the September 8, 2022 College Station city council meeting.

Click HERE to read and download information from the agenda of the September 8, 2022 College Station city council meeting.

The current project budget is $6.3 million…a number that mayor John Nichols brought up at the last council meeting will only get higher. That led the mayor to ask city manager Bryan Woods during the council’s June 13th meeting to ask the county for more money.

Construction won’t start for at least 18 months, as the city has just started the process of acquiring right of way.

The request was not brought up during the county commission’s meetings on June 18th or June 25th.

Click below to hear comments from John Nichols and Bryan Woods during the June 13, 2024 College Station city council meeting.


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