College Station PD SWAT Unit Ends Four Hour Standoff

Screen shots from the College Station police department's Twitter account.
Capturas de pantalla de la cuenta de Twitter del departamento de policía de College Station.

Photo of Lonnie Fields, Jr. from
Photo of Lonnie Fields, Jr. from
College Station police spent more than four hours Monday night surrounding a home about a block north of the Southwood Community Center.

After CSPD’s SWAT team entered the home on Dallis Drive, a Bryan man was arrested on three warrants, a parole violation, and a new charge of evading arrest.

According to the CSPD arrest report, an unknown person told officers where to find 33 year old Lonnie Fields, Jr.

During the standoff, residents within one hundred yards of the home were called to stay inside and to lock their doors and windows.

The first officers arrived just after 6:30 p.m., and CSPD tweeted the all clear at 11.

In addition to the parole hold, Fields is jailed in lieu of bonds totaling $258,000 dollars. That includes a $200,000 dollar bond for a burglary of habitation charge he is accused of committing on October 11.

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