College Station City Council Finalizes Changes In Regulations Allowing More Chickens And Fowl In Residential Neighborhoods

Screen shot from the city of College Station.
Screen shot from the city of College Station.

The last College Station city council meeting included action changing regulations to allow more chickens and fowl in residential neighborhoods.

The council agreed with a recommendation from police chief Billy Couch that those housing chickens and fowl abide by new nuisance regulations that apply 5,000 feet outside the College Station city limits.

Couch told councilwoman Linda Harvell that those birds can not roam free.

Responding to councilman Bob Brick’s observations about peacocks, the chief says permits are required that includes identifying the birds.

An enclosure 50 to 100 feet away from a neighbor can hold up to six birds. If the enclosure is more than 100 feet away, 12 birds can be kept.

Click HERE to read and download the revised ordinance on chickens and fowl that was approved during the May 13, 2021 College Station city council meeting.

Click below for comments from the May 13, 2021 College Station city council meeting. Speakers include Billy Couch, Linda Harvell, and Bob Brick.

Listen to “College Station city council finalizes ordinance changes allowing more chickens and fowl” on Spreaker.

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