College Station City Council Approves Changes To Designing Victoria Avenue Improvements

Image from the city of College Station showing in purple the stretch of Victoria Avenue to be improved.
Image from the city of College Station showing in purple the stretch of Victoria Avenue to be improved.

Design changes have been approved for future improvements to a stretch of Victoria Avenue in College Station.

During the city council’s May 26 meeting, repaving Victoria between Wellborn Road and Woodlake will be replacing asphalt. The original plan was replacing with concrete.

According to background information given to the council, the switch is due to drainage issues associated with a concrete street and adding a storm sewer that requires buying land for detaining water.

The revised project also adds concrete roundabouts on Victoria at Woodlake and Creek Meadows, study a possible sidewalk to connect Castlegate to Creek Meadows and Wellborn Road, and add a median forcing traffic on Victoria to make a right turn onto Wellborn Road.

The project, which includes replacing the base as well as the asphalt pavement, is scheduled to start next spring and take six to nine months to complete.

Click HERE to read and download background information that was presented during the May 26, 2022 College Station city council meeting.

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