College Station City Council Agrees To Revisit Thomas Park Purchases Two Weeks After Approving Buying Equipment

Neighborhood residents showed up two weeks after the College Station city council approved spending $280,000 dollars of new playground equipment at Thomas Park to express their opposition.

The speakers called on the council to form a long range planning committee to not only review those purchases, but to revisit whether to replace the closed pool.

At the end of the meeting, councilwoman Linda Harvell received support to revisit the future of Thomas Park.

After the meeting, parks and recreation director David Schmitz told WTAW News they were slowing down the equipment purchase. That’s after the contractor was in the process of ordering the equipment and was putting together an installation schedule.

On June 27, the council approved buying a new play unit and surfacing at the south end of Thomas Park, and new surfacing and swings on the north end, which will also receive a shade structure on the existing play unit.

Click below for comments from the July 11, 2019 College Station city council meeting.

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