City Councils Advance Land Use Rules For Bio-Med Corridor

Courtesy of the City of Bryan, the colored area north of FM 60 and east of Highway 47 is the area rezoned for the bio-medical corridor.

Last December, the Bryan and College Station city councils entered an interlocal agreement to create the bio-medical corridor.

This week, came action to create the rules governing land use.

Final action by the Bryan council is a week from next Tuesday, which follows first round approval on a unaminous vote with little discussion.

That was not the case in College Station, where a 5-2 split was due to giving final authority to an appointed board comprised of representatives from both cities and Texas A&M University.

Jess Fields cast one of the two no votes.

Comments from Jess Fields.

Speaking after Fields was Karl Mooney, who made the motion to approve.

Comments from Karl Mooney.

Mayor Nancy Berry was next in line.

Comments from Nancy Berry.

Julie Schultz was also part of the majority vote.

Comments from Julie Schultz.

Blanche Brick agreed with Schultz, Berry, and Mooney.

Comments from Blanche Brick.

Katy-Marie Lyles voted no after hearing the council doesn’t have the final say on bio-corridor issues, which the council does with business involving the twin cities’ solid waste authority.

Katy-Marie Lyles asks about final authority of the bio-medical corridor board compared to the board governing the solid waste authority.

Dave Ruesink, who voted yes, said he didn’t blame Fields for his opinion.

Comments from Dave Ruesink.

Click HERE to see the slideshow presented at the College Station City Council meeting.

Courtesy of the City of Bryan, the colored area north of FM 60 and east of Highway 47 is the area rezoned for the bio-medical corridor.


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