From the city of Bryan:
In December of 2015, the City of Bryan applied for grant funding under the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP) to purchase four of the most severe repetitive loss properties within the City under Presidential Disaster Declaration DR4223. The City has been officially notified that this grant application was approved by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and funding will be awarded for the City’s project.
In the coming weeks, the City is expected to receive official notification from the Texas Department of Emergency Management (TDEM) outlining the next steps in the process which will include but are not limited to property appraisals and negotiations with the affected property owners. This is a voluntary acquisition project with each property owner being given the opportunity to accept or decline the final offer for buyout. The grant includes $577,194 of federal funds that will be made available. In addition, the City of Bryan will contribute a 25% local match of $192,398 from the Drainage Utility Fee totaling $769,592 to be used for the acquisition of these severe repetitive loss properties.
The four properties under consideration for acquisition are located on the following streets: Mockingbird Street, McHaney Drive, and Willow Bend Drive with a fifth alternate property located on Louisiana Avenue in the event one of the first four property owner(s) decline(s) the offer.