Church Arson Suspect Had Atheism Books

TYLER, Texas (AP) _ Court records say books on demons and atheism as well as rifles and knives were found in a home linked to one of the suspects in the burning of churches in Texas.

The items are listed in an affidavit filed in state district court in Tyler after a residence linked to 19-year-old Jason Robert Bourque was searched on Sunday.

The affidavit says Bourque left graffiti tying him to one of the blazes in the bathroom of a Tyler store. The Dallas Morning News says investigators found an upside-down cross topped by flames carved into the wall of a store bathroom Bourque used, along with the words “Little Hope was Arson.”

Little Hope Baptist Church was the first of 11 churches that burned in what authorities believe was an arson spree.

Bourque and 21-year-old Daniel George McAllister were arrested and charged with felony arson.

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