The Salvation Army is celebrating 125 years of the Red Kettle this year.
It began as a local San Francisco fundraiser featuring a single crab pot in 1891. Today, the Red Kettle Campaign is one of the most recognizable charitable campaigns in the United States.
Lt. Jeremy Walker of The Salvation Army of Bryan/College Station said not all bell ringers are volunteers.
“Last year we had to pay about 80% of our folks to ring the bell. That money that could to help those in need here in the community, we’re paying in salary. Any time that we can get volunteers, then we can take that money and put it right back in the community,” said Walker.
Eighty-two cents of every dollar in the red kettles goes back to serving the community. Walker said they are still in need of workers, but more importantly, volunteers.
“We just got started, but we’re having a hard time with even getting workers. We got some good volunteers now, but we have a lot of open spots,” said Walker.
Shifts are a minimum of two hours long between 10 a.m. and 8 p.m. Monday through Saturday.
The Salvation Army also has Angel Trees set up at several locations including Post Oak Mall, Wal-Mart and Walgreens stores in the area. They will also need volunteers to help with Angel Tree Gift distribution on December 16th and 17th.
To find out more information about The Salvation Army Bryan/College Station and/or volunteer, call 979-361-0618.
Click here to find more information online.
Click below to hear comments from Lt. Jeremy Walker visiting with WTAW’s Chelsea Reber.