BTU Executives Talk About Generating Electricity During Heat Waves

As the state of Texas continues to break power generation records, the timing of the heat wave was just after millions of dollars of repairs were finished at BTU generation plants in Bryan.

BTU general manager Gary Miller told the city council about one project in particular. The Dansby three unit at Lake Bryan had unexpected repairs completed in time that BTU avoided buying more expensive power from the state grid.


The chief financial officer of BTU and the city of Bryan, Joe Hegwood, says buying electricity during the current heat wave can go up as much as 40 times the normal rate.

Hegwood says that works in BTU’s favor as they sell power generated from plants in Bryan as well as the Gibbons Creek plant near Carlos.

And a portion of BTU revenue goes to the city of Bryan, which keeps the property tax rate down.


Click HERE to see and download photos from BTU of repairs at the Dansby power plants.

Image from BTU.

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