Bryan School Board Asked to Move Hammond-Oliver Programs

Since 1993, the Bryan school district has used a former hospital building to house the Hammond-Oliver High School for Human Sciences.

At this week’s school board meeting, Superintendent Tommy Wallis recommended moving the program to Bryan High School.

Wallis says Hammond-Oliver would be located on the Bryan High blue campus, and the vacated space could potentially be used to move the Mary Catherine Harris school for at-risk students.

Details from Tommy Wallis.

Wallis and board vice-president Doug Wunneburger discussed staff concerns that this means the end of their specialized curriculum.

Comments from Doug Wunneburger & Tommy Wallis.

Wunneburger addressed staff comparisons to the district’s former “TECH” academy.

More from Doug Wunneburger.

The board will consider final action after there are cost estimates for the move.

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