Bryan School Board Approves SRO Contract For First Year Of School Realignment

When school resumes in the newly realigned Bryan district next month, it will be with the same number of school resource officers (SRO).

At last week’s monthly business meeting, the board unanimously agreed with the deployment as described by assistant superintendent Amy Drozd.

Two SRO’s will remain at Bryan High and Rudder High, one will cover Bryan Collegiate and other alternative schools, and there will be one at both middle schools

Assignments for the eighth SRO includes visiting Bryan’s new intermediate schools and the remaining elementary buildings.

Drozd also says the Bryan police department, which provides the SRO’s, is receptive to some other ideas to increase exposure inside BISD schools.

Click below for comments during the July 17, 2017 Bryan school board meeting, beginning with a presentation from Amy Drozd.


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