Bryan School Board Approves Buying Buses And Replacing Roofs Related To This Month’s Bond Issue

Two weeks after Bryan school district voters approved a $12 million dollar bond issue, school board members approve making $4.5 million dollars of purchases.

Almost $2.7 million is going into new roofs on two campuses.

Construction manager Paul Buckner said the district received proposals from seven companies.

The board awarded a new Bryan High roof to a San Antonio area company for $2.1 million dollars. Buckner said construction disruption will be finished by the start of the next school year, while the project is scheduled to be completed by October 20.


The board awarded a new roof at M.C. Harris to a Bryan company at a cost of $556,000 dollars and will be completed before the start of the school year. Buckner’s comments on the Harris roof was followed with remarks from board member David Stasny and superintendent Christie Whitbeck.


The board also approved the replacement of 19 school buses at a cost of just under $2 million dollars. The purchase includes 12/77 passenger buses, four trip buses, 2/84 passenger buses, and 1/54 passenger unit.

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