Bryan ISD School Board Receives Update On Projects Funded By November 2020 Bond Issue

Bryan ISD school board members get an update at their last regular meeting about projects associated with the November 2020 bond issue.

Click HERE to read and download presentation materials from the May 16, 2022 Bryan ISD school board meeting.

BISD construction manager Paul Buckner says roof replacements at Long and Rayburn intermediate schools may happen faster than originally planned. One roof was scheduled to be replaced this summer and the other next summer. Buckner said the roof contractor may have both completed this summer.

Most of the attention given by board members was on improvements at Rudder High School.

Specifically, board member Ruthie Waller and construction manager Paul Buckner visited about a parking lot that will be used by the Rudder band. That parking lot, which has no islands, could be completed in June.

Buckner tells WTAW News that the contractor is still confident that they will finish the rest of the Rudder addition by the end of the year. That includes 14 more classrooms and a second parking lot.

Click below for comments from the May 16, 2022 Bryan ISD school board meeting.


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