Bryan ISD School Board Members Given A “Phenomenal” Review Of A New Third Party Provider Of Special Education Services

The Bryan ISD school board heard before Christmas break, the results of hiring a third party provider to provide special education services to 18 students in the seventh through 12th grades.

Special education director Jennifer Warren used the word “phenomenal” to describe the first semester of what is called “therapeutic services”.

Warren said one outcome was students catching up on completing class credit.

She also brought up behavioral improvements. Compared with the fall of 2023, the number of disciplinary referrals dropped by 67 percent and he number of days students who were suspended fell by 44 percent.

Warren says the $900,000 dollar cost was offset by $582,500 dollars by not filling special education vacant positions.

Board president David Stasny brought up the responsibility public schools have to provide special education services, noting “we’re taking on all comers (all students) and they’re challenging kids sometimes. But we are trying to help every kid, we don’t pick and choose. So that’s something we can be very proud of.”

Click HERE to read and download presentation materials from the December 16, 2024 Bryan ISD school board meeting.

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