The number one reason new employees at the Bryan school district can not start working is because they can’t get fingerprinted.
Bryan ISD board members expressed no opposition during Monday’s meeting to a proposal from human resources director Carol Cune to hire a third party vendor to do fingerprinting.
She said there is a wait of two to three weeks for prospective employees to drive as far away as Crockett to comply with the state requirement.
The board was told human resources would be able to immediately schedule an appointment, results would be available within 24 hours, and positions can be filled within a few days…which has the potential of BISD saving the additional expense for substitutes or for positions not filled in a quick, timely manner.
If approved, BISD would pay the vendor about $20,000 dollars for three years of service. The person being fingerprinted is charged $50 dollars.
Click below for comments from Carol Cune during the October 5, 2020 Bryan ISD school board meeting.
Listen to “Bryan ISD school board considering getting into the fingerprinting business” on Spreaker.