Bryan ISD School Board Approves Dress Code Changes

This week’s Bryan ISD school board meeting approved changes to the 2020-2021 school year student handbook and student code of conduct.

Click HERE to read and download the presentation that summarizes changes that were approved by the Bryan ISD board during their July 13, 2020 meeting.

This includes two changes to BISD’s dress code.

One of BISD’s executive directors of school leadership, Crystal Goodman, says athletic wear will be allowed for high school students.

Goodman says after meeting with campus principals, it was recommended to allow seventh through 12th graders to have one nose piercing.

Click below for comments from the July 13, 2020 Bryan ISD board of trustees meeting:


Among academic changes, quoting the BISD presentation:

• Restructure and reformat of the document to include general terminology and procedures, then organized by grade range (Pk-4, 5-6, 7-8, 9-12, BCHS). Ensure all information is in one place for the teachers, parents, and students.

• Final Exam Exemptions – for this year we have removed the absence eligibility requirement in light of the situation with COVID19.

• Semester Averaging of HS Credit Courses

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