Bryan Council Updates Residents on Northside Projects

Screen shot of Larry Gilbert addressing the Bryan city council January 13, 2015.
Screen shot of Larry Gilbert addressing the Bryan city council January 13, 2015.

Residents of Bryan’s north side returned to the city council to ask for improvements.

Larry Gilbert was among four speakers at Tuesday’s council meeting. He said he’s been asking for the same things since 2007, including reopening Sadie Thomas pool, improvements at Scurry Park, and repaving Martin Luther King, Jr. Street.


City Manager Kean Register told the council to expect the latest list of capital improvement and parks projects at one of the next two meetings.


Register told councilman Mike Southerland he’s waiting for a consultant’s findings on what it will take to fix all four city pools.


Last August, the council told northside residents, including Gilbert, that repairs would be made to all the city pools.

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