Bryan Council Recommendations for Housing Tax Credits

Two green boxes were approved by the Bryan Council, three red boxes were rejected.

The Bryan City Council has let a state agency know its preferrences for future state housing tax credits.

Out of eight requests from developers in Central Texas, five are from Bryan. The council chose to support the two smallest projects.

Both would accomodate low income elderly occupants. Most of the proposals, for elderly as well as those with no age restriction, were located in Councilman Chuck Konderla’s district.

Comments from Councilman Chuck Konderla.

Konderla says he heard from constituents who didn’t want low-income apartments without age restrictions.

Konderla hears from constituents.

Konderla says Mayor Jason Bienski was not involved in this issue.

Konderla says the Mayor recused himself.

The council recommended 68 units east of Highway 6 near Briarcrest and 90 units in the Park Hudson area. Final action from the state could come as early as next month.

Click HERE for more comments from Chuck Konderla, visiting with WTAW’s Bill Oliver.

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