Bryan Council Offers Animal Shelter a Long Term Agreement

The Brazos Animal Shelter got most of what it wanted from the City of Bryan to continue housing strays for the next 15 years.

Much of the shelter leadership and employees watched then applauded the city council’s 6-1 vote to spend nearly $1 million dollars.

Chuck Konderla made the motion with the idea of checks and balances for the city while giving the shelter the financial support it needed.

Comments from Chuck Konderla.

The million dollar figure was used in combining the shelter receiving as requested over $379,000 in its next fiscal year, $98,000 in new city animal cages, and a $500,000 building. The shelter asked for no limit in its spending request in 2013, while the council capped any increase at 7.5 percent. Councilman Art Hughes considered that a good compromise.

Comments from Art Hughes.

Paul Madison, who also voted yes, asked the council to not forget future requests for people living in low-income areas.

Comments from Paul Madison.

Mike Southerland voted no, citing different spending priorities.

Comments from Mike Southerland.

The shelter has until July 29th to accept the council’s offer.  City funding of the animal shelter comes from revenue raised by collecting trash.

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