Bryan Council Discusses Changing Ethics Policy

A continuing review of the Bryan City Council’s ethics policy includes changing the composition of advisory committees to include representation from each council district. Mike Southerland responded to Chuck Konderla’s observation that residents from council districts one and two make up nine percent of those applying for volunteer positions.

Comments from Chuck Konderla & Mike Southerland.

Art Hughes says it was “a wake up call” to him to be on the lookout for potential candidates.

Comments from Art Hughes.

The proposal also calls for each committee to have a member appointed by the mayor and a seventh representing the city at large.

The council also talked about they conduct business in private. Hughes proposed the option of allowing a council member requiring another to provide a written and sworn statement denying any conflict of interest.

More comments from Art Hughes.

No action has taken on any of the ideas offered during the May 15th council workshop.

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