In November 2011, Bryan voters soundly rejected the idea of selling the municipal golf course and buying Briarcrest Country Club.
The city council was asked Tuesday to consider a strategic plan. Instead, the council directed staff to have the parks and recreation board study future options.
Among the suggestions from Mayor Jason Bienski was making the course nine holes.
Comments from Jason Bienski.
The council heard golf course operations are on track to lose $800,000 dollars over the last four years. Councilman Art Hughes was among those acknowledging it’s hard for a course to make money.
Comments from Art Hughes.
Over the last five years, the number of rounds played have dropped by 10,000. And a bottom line that was a $200,000 dollar profit five years ago is projected to be a $315,000 dollar deficit this year.
There is one company interested in opening a restaurant at the golf course. If a proposal is reached, it will be considered by the council in March.
Click HERE to read the background information presented at Tuesday’s council meeting.
Below is one of the pages, showing data for the last five years.